How To Clean A Mousepad?

how to wash a mousepad

The mouse was the most pivotal innovation in computer technology that was made available to the public in the early 1980s. It is an input hardware device often regarded as a peripheral but more of an inseparable part of the computer system.

The mouse is used atop a good mousepad to give it the precision it is meant for. The mousepad also gives the utmost smoothness in the movement to the mouse and helps the user control it to a single-pixel level.

However, the mousepad is prone to getting dirty and needs to be cleaned so that it continues functioning without any problem.

Cleaning the mousepad is important to ensure its full functionality and capability. Wonder ‘how to clean your mousepad?’ Below are the tips that will help you with the right cleaning process.

1. Make A Bowl Ready With Hot Soapy Water

how to wash a mousepad

In a bowl, preferably one that is larger than the mousepad, take hot water, mix some hand wash. Avoid using dishwashing soap as it may turn out to be rather harsh on the pad’s soft fabrics.

Make sure to mix the content thoroughly using your hand.

2. Soak The Mousepad In The Preparation

how to wash a mousepad

In this step, make sure to submerge the mousepad fully inside the hot water and hand wash soap preparation.

We strongly advise you to let the pad rest at the bottom of the preparation. This way, the mousepad will absorb as much water as possible, and removing some of the toughest materials attached to it becomes simple.

3. Wash The Mousepad

how to wash a mousepad

After you have kept the mousepad soaking in the mixture for a while and after the water turns from hot to lukewarm, take a big brush or utensil scrub. You can also take a toothbrush and wash the mousepad.

You can specifically brush more at the specific regions that are stained or have visible debris of dust or dirt.

4. Rinse The Mousepad

how to wash a mousepad

Now that you have cleaned the mousepad properly, rinsing it is the step you have to follow to let it be free of water so that you can start using it again.

Make sure to use clean water to rinse it properly. Remember that the mousepad should not feel slippery to be called as properly rinsed.

5. Dry The Mousepad Thoroughly Before Using It

how to wash a mousepad

This is the ultimate step in using your mousepad. It will avoid causing damage to the circuitry of the mouse or a short circuit. Drying it also keeps dust at bay.

You can put your mousepad on a table but flip it over after the upside is fully dry. Only after you are certain that the pad has dried you can start using it like before.

Wrapping Up

how to wash a mousepad

This article gave you information on ‘how to wash a mousepad?’ The steps are simple; you can follow them every time you feel the need to clean your mousepad. Hand washes soap, hot water, and a vessel big enough to hold the mousepad fully are all you need.